In many ways each month like a mini vision quest, where visions, insights, dreams would come, they would then bring this wisdom back to their community. This wisdom was highly valued by the community and would support direction and focus for the next cycle. 

This tradition has been lost for many, the honouring of the women's menstrual cycle and the wisdom that can be harnessed during this time of sensitivity and retreat. Instead the women's bleeding time is seen, in many cases, as shameful, dirty, and shunned away.

Four years ago on a visit to Columbia I sat with a beautiful female shaman Mama Jairzagua. She spoke about how in her tradition when the women are on their menstrual cycle they do not enter the ceremony space during their menstrual cycle as the power present in the women can affect the whole ceremony. She spoke so beautifully about how she had taken the time of her menstrual cycle to retreat for many years and it was often during this time that she would receive the greatest insights and wisdom, even more so that during plant medicine ceremonies. 

Mama Jairzagua passed on a 5 day ceremony to hold at the time of the menstrual cycle. I have been journeying with this ceremony for the past four years and have harnessed changes in my life through the consistent review of patterns and blockages which show up within our body, energy and life. Friends and those that I spend close time with have been touched by the ceremony and its potential and have gone on to carry it into their own lives. It is with great joy to open this space of ritual, ceremony and connection to harness the potential of our menstrual cycle. Weaving new storylines, releasing shame and grounding empowerment.