Sessions are offered online.

This container is here as a dedicated space to reveal your deepest essence and potential.

It is a climate for love, understanding, healing and spiritual awakening.

To move beyond the perceived limitations in the mind.

Our time together includes self exploration, meditation, energy work, sound; weaving language of light, consultations and insight.

Our time together is a prayer, an alchemy, you will release mental, emotional, physical blockages.

Uncover subtle imprints and patterns which may have been holding you back and liberate these energies.

Shift perceptions, receive guidance and energy which will best serve and uplift your current experience in:

Connection with Self
Personal progress and wellness

Carly has an ability to compassionately hold our human experience, whilst weaving masterfully to connect to the wisdom of soul from

the open empty space of the heart.

Sacred Commitment

Embodied Guidance

Grounded Change

How we work together..

Leading up to the first session, you will be sent an intro form to introduce yourself and your focus.

We will connect every two weeks for the time of your mentorship.

Each call will be up to 75 minus long.

During our virtual meetings we will work through current topics. Each session will be fresh and also has the possibility to build on previous meetings.

Working 1:1 over several months ensures optimum change.

Following each session you will receive a follow up note with details from the session and other recommendations.

In between sessions 2 x voice messages per week for further support and insight.

Access to my network where applicable.

Apply to work with me

Carly offers 3 month and 6 month Containers

‘As you start to walk on the way, the way appears’ Rumi

Mentorship Path

Carly has committed the last ten years to studies in healing and service to awakening, working with master healers and teachers in energy and consciousness. She studied extensively and closely for five years with Master Sound Practitioner Yantara Jiro, together they started the first sound healing temple in London. She completed her Meditation Teacher Training with Sally Kempton.

Her life is devoted to her inner study guided by her teacher Mooji, living in Portugal in connection with Mooji’s home and ashram. She spends periods of the year in silence and daily her life is committed to the recognition of our essential nature, which is felt in her offerings.

She has supported thousands of people in their path of healing, awakening, relationships, service and opening to new possibilities in their life. 

It is with great honour and gratitude she offers herself to her awakening and in turn her greatest service.